
Cloth Wipes

Many of you know that Brian and I have been using cloth diapers on Julia since we brought her home from the hospital. We both feel that we are doing what is best for her, by keeping yucky chemicals away from her body and out of the landfill. In addition to using cloth diapers, we use cloth wipes. It just made sense to us to use re-usable wipes. They go in the same dirty pail as the diapers and get washed with those every few days. I use flannel wipes that I bought from a work at home mama here. They are incredibly soft, and I only need 1 or 2 for extra messy diapers. It is really nice to not have to buy packages upon packages of disposable wipes and diapers every week. If you don't do it for health reasons or the Planet, do it for your wallet! You won't be disappointed.

If you'd like a chance to win a set of your own re-usable wipes check out this awesome giveaway. My friend and fellow eco friendly mom has an awesome blog with lots of product reviews and chances to win cool prizes-check it out!